I have been at the current Rheum job I have posted about before. 4/10.5-11's.
My training: 2 "weeks" 8 days (dr showed up at 1000 -500 pm- i was there at 8 am with no guidance or structure and no laptop, just an Ipad to view the EMR). Saw total 47 patients with the MD (13 were telehealth and 1 was a new visit). 3rd week was on my own expected to see everyone under the sun, including a new patient and I gave push back. Had a MA from hell for my first 80 days until i gave my resignation then MA left and as of last week new hire MA which is great. I gave push back on new treatment plans because i did not feel adequately prepared to do so. I am so stressed out not due to patient load but poor previous charting, all the admin hurdles that are now better after me literally crying, but now I am finding myself anxiety ridden again because i am being asked my patients to fill out permanent disability/legal paper work. I did one and I am so mad for not just giving it to the MD since i have seen/met these patients twice. I teach myself everything and I have no peers. MD still works 11-5 with a one hour lunch. I took the last three days off (unpaid because even as a salary employee i have no vacation for a year and start to accrue sick time after 90 days) I am 2 weeks out from my 90 day period- should i suck it up or leave?
By - Heavy_Fact4173